The quirky Bravery Network Online takes you into a futuristic world where resources are aplenty, leaving lots of times for folks to fight each other for fun.
Adults, instead of working boring office jobs in the resource rich Toronto of the future, battle one on one to show who is the bravest of them all. Technology has made jobs and resource collecting a distant memory, so people now use their time to battle each other so that they can continue to use the technology around them.
These battles are pretty interesting, especially given how some of the attacks have a lot to do with boring office jobs. Adults in the future are pretty weird. Playing in small teams against each other, you can switch out characters, grow their confidence, and use tactical moves to make sure your team comes out on top. Selecting different battle moves will show how much of an affect it will have if used on players not currently active on the other team, so you can think about what character you want to use against which, and what move is best.
Bravery Network Online can be played in online battles, ranking the best of the best when it comes to who wins. If competition isn’t really you thing, there is also a single-player story mode where you can explore Toronto with your group, seeing what the future really has in store for humans.
I got the chance to play a demo of Bravery Network Online at The Mix. The graphics and lore are interesting, and I look forward to playing more of the story.
Bravery Network Online is slated to release in 2019, but in the meantime, you can sign up to the game’s newsletter or add it to your Steam Wishlist.